Trademark registration, patent application, copyright declaration, Hong Kong company application, Wuxi Beibiao Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd.
What happens when the trademark changes?
For a trademark applied in the name of a company, once the company name and address change, the corresponding content of the corresponding trademark registration certificate will also change.
To make a trademark change, you need to submit:
, "Change Application"
If the name is changed, submit the relevant certificates from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau
The changed business license
Copy of "Trademark Registration Certificate"
and "Trademark Agency Power of Attorney".
A "Change Acceptance Notice" can be issued within one month. The change certificate is usually issued every month and is used together with the trademark registration certificate.
Note: If the enterprise is transformed or the nature of the enterprise changes, it is not a change but a transfer of the trademark registration certificate.
Wuxi Beibiao Intellectual Property Agency is a comprehensive intellectual property agency registered with the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce. Headquartered in Beijing, the members of the Chinese trademark business and patent agency legal team officially authorized by the state are all lawyers with lawyer qualifications, patent agent qualification certificates, and more than ten years of working experience in the intellectual property industry. Many lawyers are members of the China Lawyers Association and have rich experience. Members of the legal team are good at handling all types of intellectual property litigation and non-litigation cases. Their business scope includes patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets, and intellectual property franchises (franchises) and enterprises. Intellectual property strategy formulation and other fields. Patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret protection, anti-unfair competition and other administrative investigations and infringement litigation agency patent (including applications) application agency, trademark registration agency, patent invalidation agency and its administrative litigation and agency
The business involves a wide range of Intellectual property agency services, specializing in trademark registration expiration, renewal, address change, transfer, objection review, contract licensing, trademark design - and a series of procedures. Patent application - new appearance inventions, patent changes and patent transfers, etc. High-tech enterprise certification, Hong Kong company registration, and other services. The company not only has outstanding performance in trademark, patent and copyright business, but also has its own advantageous agency business, including high-tech enterprise certification, trademark infringement disputes, Hong Kong company registration, etc.
Wuxi Trademark Registration - Why does the trademark need to be changed? ? ? ? ? ? ?